Twelve Things to Do Instead of buying ‘stuff’

  1. Go outside and explore your neighbourhood, Give a smile, a wave or a cheery ‘hello to people you pass by. You could walk, jog, bike ride or even roller blade around town. You might discover some cool shops or parks you didn’t know about before.
  2. Spend time with your pets (if you don’t have any, maybe you could borrow someones, ha!) treat your cat to some cheese, give her a big long cuddle on the couch. You could practice some obedience training with your dog or play hide and seek with him/her at the park. 
  3. Make funny eCards on JibJab 
  4. Find a nice spot outside to lie down and just enjoy the moment. Watch the clouds go by, feel the cool breeze and listen to the birds chatting in the trees.
  5. Go on Pintrest and try out a few of those projects or recipes you’ve ‘pinned’.
  6. Go through old photo albums.
  7. Write a haiku poem
  8. Get involved in your local community, join a club such a mothers club, gardening club or book club and meet some new people.
  9. Exercise! I am pretty lazy, and will admit I like to indulge in the ‘TV workout‘ 
  10. Read a book
  11. Do something you’ve been needing to do but have put off for way too long now such as mending holes in clothes, cleaning out the tupperware cabinet (which we’re still doing btw) or putting up wall hooks for art you’ve been meaning to put up.  
  12. Play a board game (we like Ticket to Ride, The Game of Life and Agricola, all of which are available on the Apple App Store to play multiplayer or single on iPad or iPhone)

Do you have any other suggestions?? 

Cute animal picture!


Little xx

Writing Wednesdays

When I was young my Mother, my Grandfather and Grandmother put a lot of energy into encouraging me and my cousins to express ourselves creatively. We come from a family of writers, my Great-Grandfather, was a writer for The Herald and Weekly Times. My Grandmother has studied writing and editing and although she is not yet published, I love seeing the joy she gets when she see’s or hears something which motivates her, her whole face lights up before saying ‘That would make a great story!’. My Grandfather recently had a hip replacement and has limited mobility whilst his body recuperates. We assumed the limited mobility was driving the two of them a bit stir crazy being cooped up in the house (Don’t get me wrong they have the most beautiful apartment in North Fitzroy, but I’m sure anyone who is mostly stuck in one place for a certain amount of time would be forgiven for feeling this way!). So we went off to visit on Sunday arvo. It was lovely, we bought some mini cakes and had fesh salad rolls from the bakery, we shared stories of all our recent accomplishments and ideas, all in all I had a lovely afternoon. As the sun was starting to set at around 5:25pm we were sitting in the lounge area when Mum suddenly remembered an activity we did when I was younger to encourage me to write – The activity is pretty straightforward, you pick an object, it could be anything: a saucepan, a remote, a coaster etc… Then everyone is handed a few sheets of paper and a pen and you all just sit and write for a solid five minutes. It’s so much fun to hear everyone reading out their stories and comparing them to your own, it’s amazing how one little object can be viewed in so many different ways.

Here is what we chose to write about – a little blonde boy ornament with a cane.


And here are the stories each of us came up with

My Grandmother

Herman Windshuttle put on his little cap & his brother Wilhelm’s hiking boots. He was off to Munich to join the youth movement. 

“Farewell Murri, Farewell Greta don’t lets worry about the weather” became his walking song & the brolly top flapped along in counterpoint to his strides. 

He came to the river, which at this point was small enough & friendly enough to allow him to jump.

A loud booming roar came over the low mountain range to the north. Herman took off his cap and waved proudly. They were off to spread the news of Deutschland Uber Alles, to the English cousins.

Herman actually had a cousin in Sussex somewhere, Murri wilfully spoke of her some nights. 


My Mother (Big Pop)

Wee blonde Angus went out one day. He had no boots to keep his feet dry – just slippers and socks. He went to the town square and there at the market he purchased a bonnie green felt hat. It fitted well and his thick blonde curls just peaked out from the brim. He looked at all the stalls full of colourful fruits, vegetables and tableware. He wished his home had lovely decorative items. On the ground he found a broken tea cup that had been discarded. He picked it up and studied the hand painted flowers that decorated the fine china. What a prize! He placed it in a handkerchief and kept it in his rucksack


My Grandfather

It was a terrible day! The rain had been puring constantly for many hours and the roads and tracks surrounding the cabin were slippery and muddy, Gillford was quite down-hearted. He planned a days hiketo the canyon and had estimated that it would take him at least 3 hours to reach his destination and he would have a lovely picnic before returning home! What a disaster! 


And Myself…

The boy was cold. He had nothing left but the clothes on his back and the cane he used to walk after injuring hid right leg trying to escape the nazis. He estimated he had been walking for 3 days although it could well be longer as the blizzard made it hard to distinguish day from night. His mother was a teacher and a sympathiser of our local jewish community, she was taken away after being found out to be educating the the ‘undesirables’ and his father died when he was very young. At this point his snow boots and cane were all he had left, he did not know what the future held for him – but he had hope and hope is something no man could ever take from him. 


Little Pop, signing out!